Two Horizon 2020 projects – Block.IS and BlockStart – announce the joint organisation of a policy workshop to be held physically on November 25th 2021 in Brussels. The workshop is envisaged as an integral part of the Cluster Mission event, and its focus will be on policies influencing the European blockchain ecosystem! In addition to policymakers, the event should be of major interest to innovative blockchain companies and technology clusters on the European level.

The Block.IS and BlockStart consortia invite you to save the date for their joint policy workshop! More information about the event, including the agenda and bio-notes of the speakers, will be announced soon!
APPLY NOW & don’t miss a chance to discuss policies influencing the European blockchain ecosystem!
All selected Cluster Mission participants will be reimbursed €750 for travel and accommodation expenses!
IMPORTANT: The deadline for the Cluster Mission application is November 12th, 17:00 CET (Brussels Time).