Block.IS Innovator – HODLNG


We present HODLNG, an EU Blockchain solution for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) governing destination and logistics by a smart contract, and supporting LNG market trends like transparency, flexibility, liquidity. HODLNG is a Blockchain start-up incorporated in Tallinn, Estonia.

We are fully dedicated to fixing problems in the LNG industry at both the EU and global levels. An old-fashioned supply chain has arisen in LNG with many inefficiencies, anti-competitive practices, and a lack of transparency. We are solving those problems by developing a Blockchain-based smart contracting regime for LNG logistics. We carry LNG stakeholders to address contracting issues while also building a space for an innovative and fair profit-sharing mechanism. Our solution generates additional revenues and contributes to positive social impact including sustainable development and climate change. We hold a great mix of skills and expertise with a common understanding of how Blockchain technology can leverage positive outcomes for society.

Our team is led by Jean-Christophe, a former UN international civil servant. He manages the overall operations and resources as well as he is the public face of HODLNG. Snjezana acts vigorously to sustain company achievement and international business connections. Julien, our crypto-advisor, excels in the innovation chain. Our Business advisor, Benoit operates on our strategy. Friedger supervises smart contracts coding. Additionally, we work with a highly skilled team of developers located in Karachi (PK). And, we are benefiting from Tokenomics experts and high-level ranking academics to brilliantly deliver our solution!

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HODLNG dramatically strengthens the LNG contracting environment powered by a secure, resilient, and fair solution. Our network eases synergies in the LNG market by diversion clauses that are now governed by the smart contracting regime, operating a fair profit-sharing mechanism beside social impact.

HODLNG enhances transparency in the global LNG market and generates additional revenues from natural resources for a more inclusive and sustainable path of development. Playing a leading role in terms of facilitation and innovation in the LNG market, we boost the EU energy single market by producing prosperity as well as making the overall market more productive.

Block.IS Experience

Working with Block.IS partners and Enablers will foster the development of our solution. Our main objective is to demonstrate how Blockchain technologies address logistics contract issues and serve innovative funding mechanisms for development (SDGs). Within the 8-month timeframe, we aim specifically to code smart contracts and implement the digital signing process, including ID protocol and front/end applications, and compiling off-chain tools, and create a native utility token & wallet.

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— Jean-Christophe Finidori Founder @ HOLDNG

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